tl;dr: restart SMS_SITE_COMPONENT_MANAGER service through Configuration Manager Service Manager After uninstalling a SUP from a Site Server, the Component Server Role was not disappearing from the roles-listing of the old site system. After searching a while I found this blogpost for the 2007 SCCM environment. It also works in an 2012SP1 environment: 1. In…
#Mindmanager 2012 – Save File on network drive very slow–solution
If you are unsing MindManager 2012 and experience problems with saving files on a network drive, this might be the solution: Sometimes MindManager searches for a Sharepoint site while saving mindmaps. If you don´t have Sharepoint, MindManager sometimes gets a timeout – that´s why MindManager hangs for minutes… Here is how to solve it:…
#Server2012R2 Preview VHD Password
If you downloaded the .vhd of the new Windows Server 2012 Preview from Microsoft and wonder what the password for the administrator account is, here is your answer: R2Preview! Have fun! source:
#SCCM 2012 Client push installation not possible for 24 hours
If you have trouble pushing out the SCCM Client to a workstation, you should first check the CCM.log on your SCCM Server. The best tool to do this is cmtrace.exe which is found in the “tools” folder of your SCCM server. If you detect an error like “ERROR: Site xxx is trying to install…
SCOrch – start runbooks from command line
To start runbooks from the command line there is a nice little tool which should not be missing in any Orchestrator environment: SCOJobrunner – it can be donwloaded here , on this technet blogpost you´ll find a description What you need to start the runbook from cmd is the runbook id. An easy way…
Error at check in of runbook with “query configmgr” activity / SCORCH2012 SP1
After registering the Integration Pack of System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 I tried to use the activity “query configmgr” to get the results of a predefined SCCM-query into my runbook. When trying to check in the runbook i received an error: "An error occured saving the activity to the data storage. Please check the…
System Center Orchestrator “Affected User” in englisch/deutscher Installation
Wird bei einer sprachlich gemischten System Center Service Manager und System Center Orchestrator Installation der “Affected User” gebraucht, muss dafür im deutschen die Übersetzung “Betroffener Benutzer” genutzt werden. Für den “created by user” muss der “Erstellt von Benutzer” genutzt werden.
Force GP-Update remotely with Powershell 3.0
One of the new features of Windows Server 2012 is the “invoke-gpudate” cmdlet in powershell 3.0. With this cmdlet you can force any single client to do a grupdate without having to access the client directly, really cool i think! To make it easier i wrote a short script, that triggers the gpupdate…
Silverlight clean uninstall – Silverlight lädt Applikationen nicht richtig
Sollte Silvelright im Browser Applikationen nicht richtig laden, d.h. man sieht keine Applikation aber das PlugIn wird geladen, kann es hilfreich sein Silverlight sauber zu deinstallieren und neu zu installieren. Dazu Silverlight über die Systemsteuerung deinstallieren und danach eine batch mit folgendem Inhalt ausführen: reg delete HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftSilverlight /f reg delete HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTInstallerProducts{D7314F9862C648A4DB8BE2A5B47BE100} /f reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesInstallerProducts{D7314F9862C648A4DB8BE2A5B47BE100}…
Don´t use Silverlight 64Bit on Windows 7 64Bit!
Heute habe ich ein tolles Erlebnis gehabt: Für Microsoft System Center Service Manager wird das Silverlight Plugin benötigt. Auf den Microsoftseiten wird einem 64Bit Betriebssystem automatisch die 64Bit Silverlight Version zum Download angeboten. Diese habe ich installiert und mich sehr gewundert warum die Applikation nicht geladen wird. Nach mehreren uninstall/install Versuchen wies mich ein Kollege…